Family Day at Bauverlag

160 participants accepted the invitation to the new office building of Bauverlag in the Kaiserquartier in Gütersloh. The family open day was intended to give all employees the opportunity to show their relatives their own workplace and to celebrate together - delayed by one year due to corona - the inauguration of Bauverlag's new domicile in downtown Gütersloh. The new publishing building with state-of-the-art technology and high energy-efficient standards was occupied in July 2021.
Many children who accompanied their parents to Bauverlag on Saturday certainly wished they could be taken to work again on Monday. The Family Day at Kaiserquartier gave the impression that everyday office life at Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse primarily consists of fun and games and has a lot more to offer than kindergarten or elementary school. Because especially the smallest guests of the publishing house were offered a lot: Right at the entrance to the office building, they were greeted by magician Carsten Risse, who captivated the little kids with balloon animals and the older guests with modern and varied magic tricks. A long queue quickly formed at the make-up table of make-up artist Vanessa Baden, who transformed all those interested into wild animals or conjured up other desired make-up motifs on the children's faces. A saxophonist provided the right atmosphere with stylish live music.
All employees of Bauverlag, including those working in the branch offices in Berlin and Munich, retired employees, employees on parental leave and employees of Strobel Verlag, which was acquired in 2020 and is based in Arnsberg, were invited to the open day - naturally all together with their families. The event was organized by an internal cross-departmental team.
In his welcoming speech, the owner and managing director of Bauverlag, Michael Voss, described the new office building as a "gift to the employees". The aim of the move to the ultra-modern Kaiserquartier in downtown Gütersloh was to create a working environment in which all contributors feel comfortable. He encouraged his colleagues, "Show your families your workplace, the place where you spend so much time, where you work, succeed and fret."
The guests' physical well-being was provided by the gastronomy of the immediate neighborhood. The catering took over the MOTO59, the ice cream confectionery from the Kaiserquartier moved in with an ice cream counter. Bauverlag cooperates with both companies, from which its employees also benefit in everyday life through discounts.